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Bluesky notification channel for Laravel


Enzo Innocenzi created a Laravel Notification channel for the Bluesky social media app, and you can find it on Github. We've been using it for a while now to auto-publish new articles on the site over to our Laravel News Bluesky account.

If you are new to Bluesky and want to try it out, Justin Jackson created a Laravel list of many active users on the service.

Getting started with Bluesky with Laravel

It's super easy to get started, and all you have to do is require the package:

composer require innocenzi/bluesky-notification-channel

Then add this to your .env:


Then in your config/services.php file:

return [
    // ...
    'bluesky' => [
      'username' => env('BLUESKY_USERNAME'),
      'password' => env('BLUESKY_PASSWORD'),

Finally, when Laravel Notification:

final class CreateBlueskyPost extends Notification
    public function via(object $notifiable): array
        return [
    public function toBluesky(object $notifiable): BlueskyPost
        return BlueskyPost::make()
            ->text('Test from Laravel');

Laravel News Setup

Here is how ours is set up:

class ArticlePublishedNotification extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable): array
        return [
    public function toBluesky($post): BlueskyPost
        return BlueskyPost::make()
            ->embed(new External(
                uri: 'https://laravel-news.com/'.$post->routes['uri'],
                title: $post->routes['title'],
                description: $post->routes['description'],

Find out more about this package on the Github repo and it has full installation instructions and details on how Bluesky handles embeds.